google 已經許久沒有kawaii的icon了, 今天赫然發現突然有了新的update~
不過, 這個yuri gagarin到底是個什麼東東, 南西也不知道@.@
Yuri Gagarin, Astronaut
Born: 9 March 1934
Birthplace: Klushino, Russia
Died: 27 March 1968 (airplane crash)
Best Known As: The first human in space
Yuri Gagarin flew into orbit aboard the Soviet spacecraft Vostok I on 12 April 1961, becoming the first man in space. He orbited the Earth once (his capsule was controlled from the ground) before returning for a safe landing in the Soviet Union roughly 90 minutes later. The 1961 flight made him an international hero; he was awarded the Order of Lenin and made a deputy of the Soviet parliament, the Supreme Soviet. The flight was also considered a political victory for the Soviet Union; the United States didn't put a man into space until
Alan Shepard's sub-orbital flight on 5 May 1961. Gagarin had graduated from the Soviet air force academy in 1957 and joined the cosmonaut corps in 1960. After his famous flight he remained in the cosmonaut corps and was killed while piloting an airplane on a training flight in 1968.
On his way to the launch pad in 1961, Gagarin stopped to empty his bladder. The act became a tradition with subsequent cosmonauts, who urinate on the back tire of the transport bus before their flights... Gagarin was preceded into space by a Russian dog,
所以, 以上寫了這麼多, 重點就在這: Yuri Gagarin flew into orbit aboard the Soviet spacecraft Vostok I on 12 April 1961
Yuri Gagarin是一個太空人, 他在1961年4月12日成為首個在太空環繞地球飛行的第一人.
好了~ 今天又學習了一課!! 散會!